Accessibility Statement

Certainly! Here’s the updated accessibility statement for Merzon Travel with the email changed to [email protected]:

Accessibility Statement for Merzon Travel

Merzon Travel is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for all users, including those with disabilities. We strive to maintain compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at the AA level, which provide standards to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities.

Accessibility Features Implemented:

  1. Navigation: Our website includes navigational features that are accessible using keyboard shortcuts and screen readers.
  2. Alt Text: Images on our website are accompanied by descriptive alternative text attributes to ensure they are accessible to users relying on screen readers.
  3. Readable Text: We have implemented features to ensure that text content on the website is readable and can be resized without loss of content or functionality.
  4. Color Contrast: Color schemes and contrast ratios have been designed to ensure readability for users with low vision or color blindness.
  5. Forms and Controls: All forms and interactive elements on our website are designed to be accessible and usable by keyboard and screen reader users.
  6. Video and Audio Content: Where possible, video and audio content includes captions and transcripts to enhance accessibility for users who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Feedback and Assistance:

We welcome feedback on the accessibility of our website. If you encounter any accessibility barriers while using our site or have suggestions for improvement, please contact our Customer Service team at [email protected]. We are committed to addressing accessibility issues promptly and to providing alternative means of access to the information and functionality of our website.

Accessibility Standards:

Our efforts to comply with WCAG standards are ongoing. We regularly review and audit our website to ensure that it meets accessibility guidelines. However, if you encounter any difficulties in accessing our website, please let us know, and we will strive to accommodate your needs.

Contact Us:

If you have questions or concerns regarding the accessibility of our website, please contact us by email at [email protected] or call us at [Phone Number]. Your feedback is important to us as we continue to improve the accessibility of our website for all users.

This statement now includes the updated email address for contacting Merzon Travel regarding accessibility concerns. Adjustments can be made further based on specific requirements or additional features implemented on the website.


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